Vision In any museum, the dichotomy exists between responsibilities directly relating to the objects in a collection and those dealing with the business of managing an institution. There are two components that we as Museologist professionals must strive to keep in balance. The art portion of our activities are curating exhibitions, education and outreach, research and conservation. The other component to this balance conundrum, is the business side, which means contract management, policy development, income-producing activities and the museum retail store. Striving to stay in balance is the key to the life of any museum-balance.
Ethics and Values An important service of ethical theory is that ethics is one branch of philosophy: it can be defined as the science of conduct. A museum must seek to provide an ethical framework that has a purpose. However, this ethical framework can only be developed from within the museum profession.
Professional My name is Starr Page, I am an Artist, an ABA Paralegal with a Masters in Museum Studies . As a Paralegal I am able to take part in certain investigative aspects of a case. This could included but not limited to tracking down all information that is pertinent to the case, such as identifying precedent, examining prior judicial decisions, and reading articles that reference the laws pertaining to a case. Through my Museum Studies program, my training includes theory and hands-on-experience. Therefore, I am able to preform important roles in the museum profession. My skills and academic education have prepared me to serve communities as a museum administrator, curator, and educator. As a result I am prepared to assume positions of responsibilities in museums and other non-profit organizations.
My primary focus now, is to specialize in the History of Costume and Textile conservation. My plans are to continue my education and specialize in understanding costume and textile and its history.
Research I have the ability to use a variety of libraries for research that contain books, periodicals,manuscripts, and other scholarly resources in print and electronic format.
If you would be interested in providing me with professional opportunities, or have questions or comments please complete the contact form below.